Mengapa setengah orang boleh berjaya dan setengahnya tidak?

Dear reader. 


Okay, good question. I understand your burning question. 

1. Well, am not in a good position like counsellor but how can I put this thing? 

2. First of all, the so called  'successfull people' or you claimed it as having a good lifestyle usually is a result from his/her past action. 

3. Say that if in the past, he/she is one of the students who has purpose, objective and mission in life and they know what they are doing after this, they know the target, then would eventually get what they want. They will.

4. Meanwhile, those who 'failed' to achieve, I assume, those who does not have a purpose and probably do not know hat they are going to be in the future. In other words, lack of focus.

5. But the definition of sucess is differ from one another. For A, success for her is to be rich. For B, success for her is to get married with a nice gy. For C, success for her is to just lead a simple, happily ever after life.  

6. Second, to compare our lifestyle background from two different family statuses are not okay.

7. Say that I am coming from a B40 family member but my bff is from upper middle class / T20 family. 

8. I cannot compare what can they achieve and what can I achieve myself.

9. I know that is the situation in this world, hierarchical do exist, thus the rich will get more position compared to us. 

10. So, I lowering down my target. I am satisfied with what can I achieve, based on my own standard and capability. 

11. Eg: am a school teacher. I cannot aim to hold a position of a CEO or Pengarah like the rich family. 

12. It is crucial to target the things in which you can achieve, and which is realistic to our present condition. 

13. Third, envy is a normal feelings. 

14. The poor often getting envy with the rich. But the malay proverb says that ukur baju di badan sendiri. 

15. It tells us to be grateful for what we have, rather than keep questioning to God why I cannot be rich like my friends. 

16. But, it is okay to whine sometimes about the working condition in our present state eg salary, working hours cause it's a normal things. 

17. But to envy others 'beautiful and idealistic lifestyle', is not okay. 

18. Envy comes from the nafs amarah. Nafs (jiwa, soul), has its own hierarchy.

19. The highest one is rational soul (akal), and the lowest one is animal soul (beastiality, like animal, nafsu, berahi - must exist in our Self in order for us to reproduce and make civilization). 

20. The nafs ammarah, is in the middle between the two. 

21. Those who can control the nafs ammarah (cepat marah, tak puas hati, putus asa, eg the negative feelings) is the one who achieve the greatest successfull in life. 

22. For others, money and position, fame is success. 

23. For the poor, money is everything. It is understandable because they don't have food in their life. 

24. For the rich, money is not everything. So their level of successfull cam be said as random. 

25. t is okay to feel envy sometimes, but be aware to not being controlled by that emotion, until it kills you inside.    

26. But I understand why the poor felt envy to the rich. I assume that you know the Maslow Hierarchical pyramid. 

27. The lowest, basic one is food. So it is vital for people to at least get a secure job to put food in the table. 

28. The rest, if they wanted more (eg improving their lifestyle), they need to have a plan. 

29. Business plan? Educational plan? I don't know depends on that people. 

30. But from my observation, having a purpose and good mindset (persistence and never give up) is the key to be successfull. 

31. This is the huge differenciation between those who are success and those who are not - purpose, mindset, perseverance.


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